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Paul Chen Hanwei Swords
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Japanese Katana Reviews

If you're in the market for a cutter and value speed and response over pure power, you couldn't go wrong with these swords. -- fiercesaint

Read the entire review here.

This video demonstrates why the Hanwei Raptor Series is my First Choice for Modern Katanas -- SHINTOKAI BATTODO

Read the entire review here.

To be honest, I think that this is the most beautiful sword that Hanwei has ever turned out. I absolutely love the theme, the koshirae, the flow ... and all the little detailed touches. The hada is the best I've seen on a Hanwei, and that means on ANY production katana. -- Marc Kaden Ridgeway

Read the entire review here.

Overall quality is great and these are durable and functional even in the hands of an amateur. -- TheMu

Read the entire review here.

**Video Review - Mike Femal of Nihonzashi puts the range of swords from Kaneie into cutting use on a range of tough traditional targets. -- Mike Femal

Read the entire review here.

**Video Review - Mike Femal of Nihonzashi puts the range of swords from Kaneie into cutting use on a range of tough traditional targets. -- Mike Femal

Read the entire review here.

**Video Review - Mike Femal of Nihonzashi puts the range of swords from Kaneie into cutting use on a range of tough traditional targets. -- Mike Femal

Read the entire review here.

... This thing is actually razor sharp. -- Tactical

Read the entire review here.

The test cutting in this video consisted entirely of left and right kesa giri cuts. -- Kingslayer

Read the entire review here.

here is my take on the Hanwei katana. Enjoy. -- Ken Kyounshi

Read the entire review here.

This weapon surpassed even my jaded expectations, and in my less-than-humble opinion has earned its moniker with pride and distinction. -- Mike Bondra

Read the entire review here.

The challenge today is to slice the container as low as possible, without slamming the beautiful new blade into the stand. Enjoy. -- WeAllJuggleKnives

Read the entire review here.

A truly remarkable katana of heirloom quality -- Whiskeyfox

Read the entire review here.

Now just touching on Hanwei quality again. The fit in the Habaki, on all Hanwei swords has been second to none. I really respect this, as a lot of manufacturers skimp on this and it really makes the value of the blade, to me, plummet. Nice and straight, no gaps and no rattle or movement. -- Average_joe101

Read the entire review here.

It’s easy to see the major features that make this sword good, it’s the little unseen/unknown details that make it great. -- Bluntsword

Read the entire review here.

This is the blade I use as my daily practice blade both for drawing and cutting. ... I like the blade so much I want to have a backup around so I never have to be without one. -- Matthew Jensen

Read the entire review here.

... this is a very well made and good quality sword. It is easy to use and looks good on the stand. -- BarryHousley

Read the entire review here.

This is the Renshu prototype katana I just finished testing for Hanwei. -- John Walter

Read the entire review here.

The video shows just a small amount of the bamboo I cut with this sword,and the video is still over 20 minutes long. -- John Walter

Read the entire review here.

I couldn't imagine this sword not having a place in a swordsman's arsenal. -- Billybob

Read the entire review here.

I would recommend either of these swords to fellow martial artists -- Drew Tharp

Read the entire review here.

It is hard to find such a polished package outside of Japan or the world of non Japanese master smiths and it gives the causal collector and practitioner a chance to own something close to the look and feel of a nihonto, without paying through the nose. -- Josh Marlan

Read the entire review here.

From the deep brown and black of the tsuka reflected in the saya, the leather complimented by the stippling of the saya's lacquer, to the power and dignity of the fittings and the minute attention to detail (the seppa are tapered so as not to ruin the aesthetics of the tsuba), this sword embodies the dignity, power and lethality of Japanese Swordsmanship. -- Paul J.O'Brien

Read the entire review here.